Complete List of Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils

I am so excited to write about Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils today.  Polychromos colored pencils are exceptional. 

Here is the complete list of the Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils with Hex and RGB codes.

The list contains the color name and the color number. Polychromos colour pencils have a number associated with each pencil. This is a great idea because it is much shorter than the colored pencil name and can be a great reference when coloring. The * refers to the colorfastness; *reasonable lightfastness, **high lightfastness, and ***maximum lightfastness.

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One of the great things about the Faber-Castell lines are that they are all connected to a color matching system. Ie the markers match the colored pencils. This may be true with other companies, but they do not advertise it. Polychromos purposely names all their products with the same color names. That wins me big points right there. 

The pencils have great qualities also, they have thick lead that is break and water-resistant and have a smooth laydown that is smudgeproof. They also are color fast, ie their colors do not fade as much with time. There are colors that are more color fast than others and will be noted in the chart. Check out this blog post to see the box and all the pencils.

Prismacolor Colored Pencils come in 12, 24, 36, 48, 72, 132, 150, 12 Botanical, 24 Highlighting and Shading, 12 Landscape, 23 Manga, and 12 Under the Sea color packs.

Here are the color charts for each size and what colors were added.
12 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black

24 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black
  • Venetian red, dark red, pale geranium lake, dark chrome yellow, light yellow glaze, earth green yellowish, dark phthalo green, helioblue-reddish, ultramarine, warm grey V, warm grey II, raw umber

36 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black
  • Venetian red, dark red, pale geranium lake, dark chrome yellow, light yellow glaze, earth green yellowish, dark phthalo green, helioblue-reddish, ultramarine, warm grey V, warm grey II, raw umber
  • middle purple pink, Pompeian red, rose carmine, middle cadmium red, cadmium orange, dark Naples ochre, cream, leaf green, cobalt green, cobalt turquoise, dark indigo, mauve

60 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black
  • Venetian red, dark red, pale geranium lake, dark chrome yellow, light yellow glaze, earth green yellowish, dark phthalo green, helioblue-reddish, ultramarine, warm grey V, warm grey II, raw umber
  • middle purple pink, Pompeian red, rose carmine, middle cadmium red, cadmium orange, dark Naples ochre, cream, leaf green, cobalt green, cobalt turquoise, dark indigo, mauve
  • red-violet, pink madder lake, madder, permanent carmine, medium flesh, sanguine, dark cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, light cadmium yellow, cadmium yellow lemon, chromium green opaque, olive green yellowish, juniper green, pine green, deep cobalt green, bluish turquoise, Prussian blue, indanthrene blue, Delft blue, purple violet, Van Dyck brown, burnt siena, cold grey IV, cold grey II

72 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black
  • Venetian red, dark red, pale geranium lake, dark chrome yellow, light yellow glaze, earth green yellowish, dark phthalo green, helioblue-reddish, ultramarine, warm grey V, warm grey II, raw umber
  • middle purple pink, Pompeian red, rose carmine, middle cadmium red, cadmium orange, dark Naples ochre, cream, leaf green, cobalt green, cobalt turquoise, dark indigo, mauve
  • red-violet, pink madder lake, madder, permanent carmine, medium flesh, sanguine, dark cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, light cadmium yellow, cadmium yellow lemon, chromium green opaque, olive green yellowish, juniper green, pine green, deep cobalt green, bluish turquoise, Prussian blue, indanthrene blue, Delft blue, purple violet, Van Dyck brown, burnt siena, cold grey IV, cold grey II
  • crimson, light magenta, scarlet red, cinnamon, light flesh, green gold, earth green, phthalo green, light cobalt turquoise, light phthalo blue, cobalt blue, sky blue

120 Count Faber-Castell Polychromos Colour Pencils
  • magenta, deep scarlet red, dark cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, light green, emerald green, phthalo blue, light ultramarine, white, burnt ochre, walnut brown, black
  • Venetian red, dark red, pale geranium lake, dark chrome yellow, light yellow glaze, earth green yellowish, dark phthalo green, helioblue-reddish, ultramarine, warm grey V, warm grey II, raw umber
  • middle purple pink, Pompeian red, rose carmine, middle cadmium red, cadmium orange, dark Naples ochre, cream, leaf green, cobalt green, cobalt turquoise, dark indigo, mauve
  • red-violet, pink madder lake, madder, permanent carmine, medium flesh, sanguine, dark cadmium yellow, Naples yellow, light cadmium yellow, cadmium yellow lemon, chromium green opaque, olive green yellowish, juniper green, pine green, deep cobalt green, bluish turquoise, Prussian blue, indanthrene blue, Delft blue, purple violet, Van Dyck brown, burnt siena, cold grey IV, cold grey II
  • crimson, light magenta, scarlet red, cinnamon, light flesh, green gold, earth green, phthalo green, light cobalt turquoise, light phthalo blue, cobalt blue, sky blue
  • light purple pink, fuchsia, pink carmine, burnt carmine, alizarin crimson, deep red, dark flesh, light cadmium red, orange glaze, terracotta, light yellow ochre, light chrome yellow, ivory, may green, grass green, chrome oxide green, permanent green olive, permanent green, Hooker's green, light phthalo green, chrome oxide green fiery, helio turquoise, middle phthalo blue, cobalt blue-greenish, blue violet, violet, manganese violet, light red-violet, copper, caput mortuum violet, Indian red, caput mortuum, burnt umber, nougat, bistre, brown ochre, gold, dark sepia, Payne's grey, cold grey VI, warm grey VI, cold grey V, warm grey IV, silver, cold grey III, warm grey III, cold grey I, warm grey I

Color name, Color number, HEX Value, and RGB Value

Here is the table with the color name, color number, HEX Value, and RGB Value.

Color Name Color Number   HEX Value   RGB Value
white 101FFFFFF255, 255, 255
ivory103FFF4D8255, 244, 216
cream102FFF1B6255, 241, 182
light yellow glaze104F3EF6F243, 239, 111
cadmium yellow lemon205EBEA64235, 234, 100
light cadmium yellow105FFE73E255, 231, 62
light chrome yellow 106FFDE45255, 222, 69
cadmium yellow107FFD530255, 213, 48
dark cadmium yellow108FFC220255, 194, 32
dark chrome yellow109FAA632250, 166, 50
cadmium orange111F78F26247, 143, 38
orange glaze113F48034244, 128, 52
dark cadmium orange115F47933244, 121, 51
light cadmium red117F05544240, 85, 68
scarlet red118E84D47232, 77, 71
pale geranium lake121EF4650239, 70, 80
deep scarlet red219E8495E232, 73, 94
deep red223E42F44228, 47, 68
middle cadmium red217BC454F188, 69, 79
permanent carmine 126D82C4A216, 44, 74
dark red225A63055166, 48, 85
magenta 133934E67147, 78, 103
madder142CD3F5C205, 63, 92
alizarin crimson 226DF2D5D223, 45, 93
pink carmine 127E85274232, 82, 116
rose carmine 124E95C72233, 92, 114
fuchsia123EF4C86239, 76, 134
middle purple pink 125C3408B195, 64, 139
light purple pink 128F06D98240, 109, 152
pink madder lake 129F389B2243, 137, 178
light magenta 119D786B9215, 134, 185
light red-violet135AB68A1171, 104, 161
red-violet19488496D136, 73, 109
crimson134A14D9D161, 77, 157
manganese violet1609A69AD154, 105, 173
violet 1388A6BAF138, 107, 175
purple violet1367358A0115, 88, 160
blue violet 13759529E89, 82, 158
mauve2496157A197, 87, 161
Delft blue 141484F9F72, 79, 159
dark indigo1573E4A5B62, 74, 91
indanthrene blue 247445E9868, 94, 152
helioblue-reddish1511770B823, 112, 184
cobalt blue 143056AB55, 106, 181
ultramarine 120506DB480, 109, 180
light ultramarine140659AD2101, 154, 210
sky blue 14686B2DF134, 178, 223
cobalt blue-greenish144156DB621, 109, 182
phthalo blue1100B7DC211, 125, 194
middle phthalo blue 152309CD648, 156, 214
light phthalo blue14543ACE167, 172, 225
bluish turquoise 1490077A20, 119, 162
Prussian blue24612649518, 100, 149
helio turquoise 155087E908, 126, 144
cobalt turquoise 1530082A20, 130, 162
light cobalt turquoise 15466CBDA102, 203, 218
cobalt green 15601BABD1, 186, 189
deep cobalt green158146B6020, 107, 96
Hooker´s green1590B776411, 119, 100
dark phthalo green2640093780, 147, 120
chrome oxide green fiery27600987F0, 152, 127
phthalo green16100B0910, 176, 145
emerald green1630CB07412, 176, 116
light phthalo green16238BB8F56, 184, 143
light green171A0D185160, 209, 133
grass green16676C25F118, 194, 95
leaf green11249B95C73, 185, 92
permanent green266278A4639, 138, 70
permanent green olive1674C7A4F76, 122, 79
pine green267315C4849, 92, 72
chrome oxide green2784A614B74, 97, 75
juniper green 16544694D68, 105, 77
olive green yellowish1735B5D4491, 93, 68
may green1709FBB56159, 187, 86
earth green yellowish16882A255130, 162, 85
chromium green opaque17465714F101, 113, 79
earth green172738C70115, 140, 112
caput mortuum 1699A5D58154, 93, 88
Indian red19291474A145, 71, 74
caput mortuum violet263824E51130, 78, 81
burnt carmine193AA5164170, 81, 100
dark flesh130F69892246, 152, 146
medium flesh131F69C99246, 156, 153
light flesh, 101, FBC29F, 251,194,159101FFFFFF255, 255, 255
cinnamon, 103, E4A893, 228,168,147103FFF4D8255, 244, 216
Pompeian red191E77C83231, 124, 131
Venetian red190DC7E76220, 126, 118
sanguine188D77255215, 114, 85
burnt ochre187D89763216, 151, 99
terracotta186EC8E59236, 142, 89
light yellow ochre183FCBC5F242, 188, 95
Naples yellow 185F8D25A248, 210, 90
dark Naples ochre184F5C25B245, 194, 91
green gold268CA9439202, 148, 57
brown ochre182C4925D196, 146, 93
raw umber1809A734A154, 115, 74
bistre1797C604C124, 96, 76
Van Dyck brown1766C5954108, 89, 84
nougat178927C6B146, 124, 107
burnt umber280685546104, 85, 70
burnt siena283895A47137, 90, 71
walnut brown1775D4F4893, 79, 72
dark sepia17547494871, 73, 72
warm grey VI27558555788, 85, 87
warm grey V27462606098, 96, 96
warm grey IV2737C7E7F124, 126, 127
warm grey III272A8A59F168, 165, 159
warm grey II271C8C1BE200, 193, 190
warm grey I270D9D0CE217, 208, 206
cold grey I230CAD1D8202, 209, 216
cold grey II231BEC4CC190, 196, 204
cold grey III232ACB1B8172, 177, 184
cold grey IV2338E9498142, 178, 152
cold grey V2346E7176110, 113, 118
cold grey VI23557575887, 87, 88
Payne´s grey181484E5572, 78, 85
black1990505055, 5, 5
silver251ABADB0171, 173, 176
gold250CDC08D205, 192, 141
copper252B09092176, 144, 146


  1. The link to get the Polychromos list just keeps recycling you to the subscribe page again. Not to a download link.

  2. I like faber-castell polychromos pencils.

  3. Thank you for an amazing list that you created, and also with the color codes that you have made to go with it. I just purchased a set of 60 pencils, and noticed that 3 of the colors have changed names. They still have the same number, so they just changed the name of the color. The changes are: 132 light flesh has changed to 132 beige red, 131 medium flesh has changed to 131 coral, 130 dark flesh has changed to 130 salmon.
    I haven't notices any other changes, but I might have missed some.

  4. Does anyone have the colour chart from Faber-Castell Pastel and neon collection please?

  5. Caran Dache uses company wide numbering as well. But Derwent does not.

  6. light flesh, 101, FBC29F, 251,194,159 101 FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    cinnamon, 103, E4A893, 228,168,147 103 FFF4D8 255, 244, 216 ?

  7. Thank you! It's really interesting to see the colour spread that's added at each size-up if the sets.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to colour-match all the hex/rgb codes - it's a really great idea. Using this information alongside some single-colour swatches will really help me when I photograph my artwork!
