8 Count Boxes: Pearl, Glitter and Metallic

 8 count boxes have always had a special place for collectors. There have been many standard 8 count boxes over the years and many special type boxes over the years. Crayola introduced Pick Your Pack at Target and later a similar version at Walmart as custom colors in an 8 count box. They have made special 8 count boxes for stores such at Target and Walmart and other companies. They made some special 8 count boxes for the Trolls, Finding Dory, and Minion movies and some special Disney boxes. 8 count boxes are cheaper than other boxes to make and still contain a good amount of colors.

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Sometimes Crayola will make a 4 count box or 8 count box to test a certain idea. The public does not usually know why Crayola is coming out with special boxes, but they do a trial run. The glitter crayon special 8 count box came out in 2014. There are also special 8 count boxes for neons and the standard colors, but they are not as prevalent and I have not been able to get my hands on them yet. The glitter box first came out in a set of other art supplies. It then showed up at The Dollar Tree. The Metallic and Pearl crayons came out in 2019 in conjunction sold at Dollar Tree with the release of 24 count Metallic, Pearl, Glitter and Neon crayons. Those boxes are different colors, but the same font as these boxes. I like the colors of these boxes. I have a soft spot for 8 count themed boxes. I would love to get my hands on the neon and standard colors boxes from this line.

Color Information and Color List
Boxes: 8 Count Glitter, Metallic and Pearl Crayons
What's inside the box: 

  • Glitter: pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, black
  • Metallic: big dip o' ruby, alloy orange, robot canary, illuminating emerald, steel blue, deep space sparkle, cyber grape, blast off bronze
  • Pearl: apple orchard, shooting star, orange peel, caribbean sea, cloudy sky, lavender silk, hot cocoa, black pearl
Purchase Information: eBay
Where to buy: eBay

Collecting Information
These are collectible 8 count boxes.
Year: 2014 (Glitter) and 2017 (Metallic and Pearl)
Other boxes: There are other 152 crayon boxes. This is a special one because it features bluetiful.
Style Numbers: 52-3088 (Glitter), 52-8817 (Metallic), 52-3408 (Pearl)
Code Numbers: 52-3088-0-200 (Glitter), 52-8817-0-200 (Metallic), 52-3408-0-200 (Pearl)
UPC Numbers: 071662230883 (Glitter), 071662088170 (Metallic), 071662334086 (Pearl)
Manufacturing Location: USA

2019 8 Count Pearl Crayons
2014 8 Count Glitter Crayons
2019 8 Count Metallic Crayons

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How to Make Reports and Projects Fun

My kids’ school is doing hybrid learning this year. They attend 2 days at school and 3 days at home. The teachers give them work to do, and I am also supplementing. Last year we supplemented with math, social studies, art, and science. This year I can throw out math because the teachers are teaching it! Now I can focus on the other subjects. 

We received a whole bunch of Crayola project supplies in exchange for an honest review. 

As part of that review I decided to have my daughter do some research and write about it. I warned her about it on Friday for the next week and she was already getting one ready. I told her she did not need to start it until she was home on Wednesday. Wednesday came and she knocked out two. She already started on a third with her friend! To say she was excited was an understatement.

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I was so impressed with her reports I wanted to write and individual post about how to make reports and learning fun. Not only was she reading to research her projects, she was writing and drawing pictures. Three skills in one! It is a perfect STEAM project.

Here are some tips to make projects fun for kids. I was a coach for odyssey of the mind last year and many of the techniques taught in that program are so useful. In that program the coach is there to help guide the kids, not there to do the work for the kids.
  1. Let them choose something they like. Do not choose it for them. My daughter chose artic foxes and the sun because she loves them both.
  2. Have some art supplies the kids can choose from. Again let the kids choose from what is available. This is what we had to choose from.
    1. Check out the supplies on Crayola.com or Amazon.

  3. Have books or internet sources available for them.
  4. Set aside a time and let them do their thing! If the kids need help, help them, but do not do it for them.
  5. Have books or internet sources available for them.
Here is the other project she made. She has since rolled them up and treasures them. Let me know if you try this with your kids. It can definitely help pass the time, be fun, and be a learning activity at the same time. 

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Crayola Project: Giant and Premium Construction Paper, XL Markers, Easy Peel Crayon Pencils, and Metallic Outline Markers

In 2020 Crayola came out with a new line of supplies, the PROJECT line. I was SOOO excited when I saw it at Toy Fair. I wanted to try it right away. There are more supplies than shown here, but here is a good representation of the line. The line can be used to make all sorts of projects. It is perfect for us right now because my kids are doing 3 days of school at home for now. We need lots to do!

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Check out the supplies on Crayola.com or Amazon.

What Is Unique About Crayola Project?
There are many unique products in the Crayola project line that are not available anywhere else. As seen above there is giant construction paper and premium white construction paper. This paper is almost like cardstock. It is super nice. I really enjoy it. Other supplies include: XL poster markers, the largest Crayola markers I have ever seen.
The markers can be used three ways, super thick lines, thick lines and thin lines by using different parts of the tip of the marker.
There are easy peel crayon pencils. I have never seen these before.
The crayons were different than regular crayons. They were not as flaky as regular crayons and seem to be a little more saturated and vibrant.
And there are metallic outline pens where the inside of the marker mark is silver and the outer part of the mark is a different color. These are probably my favorite supply out of this line! To use these pens the marker is first shaken for 20 seconds and then the tip is pumped. When I drew with the blue I had to repump the marker because it the metallic color was not showing.
I used the marker to draw a quote on the premium cardstock.
The line also includes: gel crayons, premium black construction paper, quick-dry paint sticks, glitter markers, stencils, self adhesive letters, paint brush pens, metallic markers and card stock.
Color Information
Here is all the color info for all of the new supplies.
What's inside the box: 
  • Giant Construction Paper: pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, sky blue, blue, purple, white, brown, black
  • XL Poster Markers: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black
  • Easy Peel Crayon Pencils: pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, sky blue, blue, purple, peach, brown, black
  • Metallic Outline Pens: black, pink, blue, green
Where to buy: Crayola.com or Amazon

What Did I Think?
I think this line is super cool. My kids have been using is so much already. My daughter did some research projects and my son did abstract drawings. I can not wait to check out the rest of the line. I saw some at Toy Fair and am excited to get more. My kids will definitely be using these supplies for our at home days.

Make sure to check out the supplies on Crayola.com or Amazon.

Here are all the pictures of the supplies in the line.

2020 Crayola Project Giant Construction Paper

2020 Crayola Project Premium White Construction Paper

2020 Crayola Project XL Poster Markers

2020 Crayola Project XL Poster Markers
2020 Crayola Project Easy Peel Crayon Pencils
2020 Crayola Project Metallic Outline Markers
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152 Crayola Bluetiful Crayons Exclusive Edition

 Have you ever organized crayons by color? This 152 Ultimate Crayola Crayon Collection would have excited me like no other when I was a child. I used to organize the 96 count box over and over and over and over! This particular set contains all the crayons from the 120 count box and the Glitter and Metallic crayons. All the crayons in this box are unique colors. It comes with a nice hard plastic carrying case/caddy and crayon sharpener. I love the plastic case because it really protects the crayons from damage. The case can be covered with plastic and set inside the box. Any kid or adult would love this set because of all the color possibilities. And it is very affordable.

This set contains bluetiful instead of dandelion. Dandelion was removed from the Crayola line up and bluetiful was added in 2017.

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Color Information and Color List
Boxes: Crayola 152 crayons crayons Introducing Bluetiful Exclusive Edition
What's inside the box: alloy orange, almond, antique brass, apricot, aquamarine, asparagus, atomic tangerine, b' dazzle blue, banana mania, beaver, big dip o'ruby, bittersweet, bittersweet shimmer, black, black glitter crayon, blast off bronze, blue, blue bell, blue glitter crayon, blue green, blue violet, blush, bluetiful, brick red, brown, burnt orange, burnt sienna, cadet blue, canary, caribbean green, carnation pink, cerise, cerulean, chestnut, copper, cornflower, cotton candy, cyber grape, dark red glitter crayon, deep space sparkle, denim, desert sand, egg plant, electric lime, fern, forest green, fuchsia, fuzzy wuzzy, gold, gold fusion, goldenrod, granny smith apple, gray, green, green glitter crayon, green yellow, hot magenta, illuminating emerald, inchworm, indigo, jazzberry jam, jungle green, laser lemon, lavender, light blue glitter crayon, light green glitter crayon, macaroni and cheese, magenta, magenta glitter crayon, mahogany, manatee, mango tango, maroon, mauvelous, melon, metallic seaweed, metallic sunburst, midnight blue, mountain meadow, navy blue, neon carrot, olive green, orange, orange glitter crayon, orchid, outer space, outrageous orange, pacific blue, peach, periwinkle, piggy pink, pine green, pink flamingo, pink glitter crayon, pink sherbet, plum, purple glitter crayon, purple heart, purple mountain's majesty, purple pizzazz, radical red, raw sienna, razzle dazzle rose, razzmatazz, razzmic berry, red , red glitter crayon, red orange, red orange glitter crayon, red violet, robin's egg blue, royal purple, salmon, scarlet, sceamin' green, sea green, sepia, shadow, shamrock, sheen green, shimmering blue, shocking pink, silver, sky blue, sonic silver, spring green, steel blue, sunglow, sunset orange, tan, tickle me pink, timberwolf, tropical rain forest, tumbleweed, turquoise blue, turquoise glitter crayon, unmellow yellow, violet (purple), violet red, vivid tangerine, vivid violet, white, white glitter crayon, white glitter crayon, wild blue yonder, wild strawberry, wild watermelon, wisteria, yellow, yellow glitter crayon, yellow green, yellow orange
Purchase Information: Walmart
Where to buy:  crayola.com, eBayAmazon

Here is a YouTube video where I sorted the crayons:
Collecting Information
This box is super collectible because it features the introduction of bluetiful. There are other boxes featuring bluetiful from this year including a case which I have not posted yet, the 64 count box and a 24 count box.
Year: 2017
Other boxes: There are other 152 crayon boxes. This is a special one because it features bluetiful.
Style Numbers: 52-3152
Code Numbers: 52-3152-0-200
UPC Numbers: 071662931520
Manufacturing Location: USA

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120 Specialty Crayola Crayons: Pearl, Glitter, Metallic, Neon and Confetti

One of my favorite things about crayons is the big boxes! When the specialty boxes came out my dream was for them to be included with the standard 152 crayons. Little did I expect they would get their own cool box! I picked this up from Amazon right when I saw it for sale a month ago. Good thing I did because it is already selling for 50 dollars. That is crazy. Hopefully more stock comes soon.

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What's Inside the box
This crayon box contains 120 specialty crayons. It comes in standard Crayola sleeves with a crayon sharpener.
Color Information

Here is all the color info. 
What's inside the box: new year's eve, meteor shower, fourth of july, clambake, flamingo festival, carnival corn, garden soiree, winter gala, magenta fiesta, summertime, blizzard blast, mermaid pageant, cupcake sparkles, sunset luau, party fish, campfire jamboree, at the circus, spring break, lime-a palooza, tweed jubilee, pool party, rain drops, birthday child, rose parade
  • Confetti: new year's eve, meteor shower, fourth of july, clambake, flamingo festival, carnival corn, garden soiree, winter gala, magenta fiesta, summertime, blizzard blast, mermaid pageant, cupcake sparkles, sunset luau, party fish, campfire jamboree, at the circus, spring break, lime-a palooza, tweed jubilee, pool party, rain drops, birthday child, rose parade
  • Glitter: red slaw, maroon mist, crimson clash, flamingo flame, confetti sunset, campfire flicker, shredded cheddar, golden dust, sun shower, wild wasabi, gritty green, tropical shower, fir in the sky, blue blazes, aqua fizz, night sky, lavender burst, poppin' purple, orchid explosion, chocolate sprinkles, silver sparks, gray glam, black gold, diamond dazzle
  • Metallic: big dip o' ruby, magnetic magenta, bittersweet shimmer, shimmering blush, allow orange, cheese grater, gold medal, robot canary, gold fusion, sheen green, illuminating emerald, petrified forest, metallic seaweed, acid wash jeans, cobalt cool, steel blue, iron indigo, b'dazzled blue, deep space sparkle, cyber grape, razzmic berry, rose gold, blast off bronze, sonic silver
  • Neon: pearl purple pizzazz, glitter purple pizzazz, purple pizzazz, glitter shocking pink, shocking pink, pearl shocking pink, pearl wild watermelon, glitter wild watermelon, wild watermelon, sunglow, atomic tangerine, glitter sunglow, glitter atomic tangerine, pearl atomic tangerine, pearl sunglow, pearl laser lemon, laser lemon, glitter laser lemon, pearl screamin' green, glitter screamin' green, screamin' green, sky blue, glitter sky blue, pearl sky blue
  • Pearl: apple orchard, mango purée, orange peel, butternut squash, sunset shimmer, liquid gold, shooting star, sea glass, caribbean sea, pesto, leafy canopy, ocean foam, cloudy sky, iridescent indigo, moonlit pond, lavender silk, berry parfait, bubble gum, pink luster, red satin, hot cocoa, antique gray, black pearl, snow drift
Where to buy: Amazon

Collecting Information
This is a great box to collect. It is already selling for 50 dollars on Amazon! And was new for sale just a month ago.
Boxes: 120 Specialty Crayola Crayons: Pearl, Glitter, Metallic, Neon and Confetti
Year: 2020
Style Numbers:  52-3452
Code Numbers:  52-3452-0-200
UPC Numbers: 0716620134525
Manufacturing Location: USA
Where to buy: Amazon

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Make Solar Powered Robots with SolarBots

I said I was going to write weekly about STEM and art projects and here I am. My kids are currently home 3 days a week. I will be sharing the projects I do with them throughout the year. Recently we got the opportunity to review SolarBots from Thames & Kosmos in exchange for an honest review. Let me just say this set is amazing. Kids can learn about different energy sources aside from batteries, SOLAR energy. 

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Ford Crayola 8 Count Crayons with Coloring Book

One of the coolest things about collecting crayons is not only seeing the history of crayons, but the history of so many other aspects of history. How? Because Crayola often partners with other brands and companies to release crayon boxes and such. In 1996 Crayola released a "Ford" branded box of crayons with an accompanying book. This book was a comic book with a few coloring pages focused on recycling. The next year Ford partnered with Crayola and Sesame Street to release a road trip/car safety coloring book. There are so very beautiful color pages. Elmo and Big Bird are on the cover with their seat belts. During this same time period Folksam, Saab and Ford worked on a seat belt reminder. Now that is in every car today. I wonder if the timing of this coloring book set came at the same time as the seat belt reminder for marketing purposes. Here are the crayon boxes and coloring books.

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Color Information
Here is all the color info. 
What's inside the box: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet [violet (purple) in 1998 pack], brown, black
1997 Ford Coloring Book

Collecting Information
These are great coloring books and crayon boxes to collect.
Boxes: 1997 and 1998 Ford Crayon boxes with coloring books
Year: 1997 and 1998
Style Numbers:  52-2008
Code Numbers:  52-2008-0-208 (1997 box), 52-2008-0-205W (1998 box)
UPC Numbers: 071662034078
Manufacturing Location: USA
Purchase Information: from fellow collector
Where to buy: eBay
1997 Ford Crayons

1998 Ford Crayons and Coloring Book

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