Crayola also came out with a box of colored pencils called Color Escapes. This pallet was slightly different than the standard colors used in their other boxes. Most noticeable is the color Jade. It is truer to the actual color. Most of the colors are more vibrant in this box. There is the exception with a bunch of peach and apricot colors. I do not know if they were just trying to get to 72, but the colors are very similar and not needed.
Click here to get swatch charts for all the Crayola Colored Pencils.
Here are all the colors charts for the different box sizes. This first chart includes the color name, hex and RGB values for every colored pencil color ever made by Crayola in their standard box (not the 72 Escapes).
Here are all the colors charts for the different box sizes. This first chart includes the color name, hex and RGB values for every colored pencil color ever made by Crayola in their standard box (not the 72 Escapes).

Colored Pencils in the Metallic box
Colored Pencils in the Extreme box
Colored Pencils in the 12 count box
Colored Pencils in the 24 count box
Colored Pencils in the 36 count box
Colored Pencils in the 50 count box
Colored Pencils in the 100 count Big Box
This box was first made in 2014 and contained 100 colored pencils. There were duplicates of some of the colors as indicated below.
In 2016 Crayola finally made a box of 100 different colored pencil colors. Here is the list of all the colors in the box. Since the colors in the 100 different colors box were so different I did not make an addition chart, but a chart for all the colors in the box. Here is the chart for 100 different colors colored pencil box.

Here is a text chart of the standard pencil colors included in the Metallic box, Extreme box, 12, 24, 36, 50, 100 big box and 100 different colors box.
Colored Pencils in the 72 count Crayola Escapes box
I made a separate picture for 72 color chart because the color swatches were so different.
Here is a text chart of the standard pencil colors included in the 72 count Color Escapes box.
- metallic purple, metallic mauve, metallic copper, metallic gold, metallic green, metallic blue, metallic silver, metallic bronze

- winter sky fiery rose, heat wave, sizzling sunset, lemon glacier, arctic lime, spring frost, absolute zero

- black, brown, blue, green, orange, sky blue, red, red orange, violet, white, yellow, yellow green

- black, brown, blue, green, orange, sky blue, red, red orange, violet, white, yellow, yellow green
- aqua green, gray, golden yellow, jade green, light blue, light brown, magenta, mahogany, peach, pink, tan, yellow orange

- black, brown, blue, green, orange, sky blue, red, red orange, violet, white, yellow, yellow green
- aqua green, gray, golden yellow, jade green, light blue, light brown, magenta, mahogany, peach, pink, tan, yellow orange
- bronze yellow, cool cray, dark brown, green blue, lemon yellow, light orange, maroon, pine green, raspberry, salmon, slate, turquoise

- black, brown, blue, green, orange, sky blue, red, red orange, violet, white, yellow, yellow green
- aqua green, gray, golden yellow, jade green, light blue, light brown, magenta, mahogany, peach, pink, tan, yellow orange
- bronze yellow, cool cray, dark brown, green blue, lemon yellow, light orange, maroon, pine green, raspberry, salmon, slate, turquoise
- bubblegum, cerulean, gold, hazel, lime green, mango, mauve, navy blue, orchid, pale rose, sand, silver, taupe, teal

This box was first made in 2014 and contained 100 colored pencils. There were duplicates of some of the colors as indicated below.
- black (2), brown (2), blue (2), green, orange, sky blue (2), red (2), red orange (2), violet (2), white, yellow (2), yellow green (2)
- aqua green (2), gray (2), golden yellow, jade green (2), light blue (2), light brown (2), magenta, mahogany (2), peach (2), pink (2), tan (2), yellow orange
- bronze yellow (2), cool gray (2), dark brown (2), green blue (2), lemon yellow, light orange (2), maroon (2), pine green (2), raspberry (2), salmon (2), slate (2), turquoise (2)
- bubblegum (2), cerulean (2), gold, hazel, lime green (2), mango, mauve (2), navy blue, orchid, pale rose (2), sand (2), silver, taupe (2), teal (2)
- cocoa, lilac (2), metallic blue, metallic bronze, metallic copper, olive green (2), plum, ruby red, true blue (2), warm gray (2)

- Mahogany, Brick Red, Raspberry, Jazzberry Jam, Ruby Red, Red, Red Orange, Coral Reef, Cantaloupe, Sizzling Sunset, Orange, Yellow Orange, Light Orange, Heat Wave, Orange Circuit, Harvest God, Mango, Golden Yellow, Unmellow Yellow, Yellow, Daffodil, Lemon Glacier, Lemon Yellow, Palm Leaf, Lime Green, Yellow Green, Olive, Arctic Lime, Granny Smith Apple, Fern, Spring Frost, Jade Green, Green, Shamrock, Pine Green, Tropical Rainforest, Teal, Aqua Green, Green Blue, Turquoise, Absolute Zero, Cerulean, Blue Bolt, True Blue, Sky Blue, Wild Blue Wonder, Cornflower, Blue, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Outer Space, Indigo, Blue Violet, Violet, Purple Heart, Plum, Purple Mountains' Majesty, Lilac, Royal Purple, Pale Rose, Red Violet, Orchid, Maroon, Mauve, Mauvelous, Magenta, Razzle Dazzle Rose, Pink Flamingo, Pink, Winter Sky, Tickle Me Pink, Blush, Bubblegum, Fiery Rose, Salmon, Fuzzy Wuzzy, Cocoa, Brown, Copper, Antique Brass, Light Brown, Peach, Khaki, Almond, Apricot, Sand, Tan, Bronze Yellow, Beaver, Dark Chocolate, Dark Brown, Taupe, White, Timber Wolf, Gray, Warm Gray, Ash, Cool Gray, Slate, Black

Here is a text chart of the standard pencil colors included in the Metallic box, Extreme box, 12, 24, 36, 50, 100 big box and 100 different colors box.
Absolute Zero | 85CFF1 | 133,207,241 |
Almond | E1D1BA | 255,209,186 |
Antique Brass | 897167 | 137,113,103 |
Apricot | E3C49f | 227,196,159 |
Aqua Green | 76D1D2 | 119,211,200 |
Arctic Lime | D0FF14 | 208,255,20 |
Ash | 646B70 | 100,107,112 |
Beaver | 5A4F4F | 90,79,79 |
Black | 49484C | 73,72,76 |
Blue | 3D57D5 | 61,87,213 |
Blue Bolt | 4C86CB | 76,134,203 |
Blue Violet | 705BBD | 112,91,189 |
Blush | D99FCE | 217,159,206 |
Brick Red | 974458 | 151,68,68 |
Bronze Yellow | A79752 | 167,151,82 |
Brown | 6F5756 | 111,87,86 |
Bubblegum | E285AB | 226,133,171 |
Cantaloupe | DDB8A5 | 221,184,165 |
Cerulean | 5C8CCF | 92,140,207 |
Cocoa | 624848 | 98,72,72 |
Cool Gray | 6B797B | 107,121,123 |
Copper | B79484 | 183,148,132 |
Coral Reef | DB9791 | 219,151,145 |
Cornflower | 82B6F9 | 130,182,249 |
Daffodil | FDF567 | 253,245,103 |
Dark Brown | 544F4E | 84,79,78 |
Dark Chocolate | 685A59 | 104,90,89 |
Fern | 7ECC5F | 126,204,95 |
Fiery Rose | FF5470 | 255,84,112 |
Fuzzy Wuzzy | BC6279 | 188,98,121 |
Gold | A69977 | 166,153,119 |
Golden Yellow | F9E73D | 249,231,61 |
Goldenrod | E5B62F | 229,182,47 |
Granny Smith Apple | AAE880 | 170,232,128 |
Gray | 7C7A79 | 124,122,121 |
Green | 508D5D | 80,141,93 |
Green Blue | 508E95 | 80,142,149 |
Harvest Gold | CAA355 | 202,163,85 |
Heat Wave | FF7A00 | 255,122,0 |
Indigo | 434CA7 | 67,76,167 |
Jade Green | 86946A | 134,148,106 |
Jazzberry Jam | C25896 | 194,88,150 |
Khaki | D6B1A0 | 214,177,160 |
Lemon Glacier | FDFF00 | 253,255,0 |
Lemon Yellow | FFFA7C | 255,250,124 |
Light Blue | 4F76D8 | 79,118,216 |
Light Brown | 9B6D5F | 155,109,95 |
Light Orange | E1966E | 225,150,110 |
Lilac | A68EE8 | 166,142,232 |
Lime Green | D6EF7E | 214,239,126 |
Magenta | AB5181 | 171,81,129 |
Mango | EBC04D | 235,192,77 |
Maroon | 7E465D | 126,70,93 |
Mauve | 967D99 | 150,125,153 |
Mauvelous | B185A4 | 177,133,164 |
Metallic Blue | 708EB3 | 112,142,179 |
Metallic Bronze | BC8777 | 188,135,119 |
Metallic Copper | B2592D | 178,89,45 |
Metallic Gold | 9F9977 | 159,153,119 |
Metallic Green | 839182 | 131,145,130 |
Metallic Mauve | BC749A | 188,116,154 |
Metallic Purple | 996398 | 153,99,152 |
Metallic Silver | BDC2C7 | 189,194,199 |
Navy Blue | 494E76 | 73,78,116 |
Olive | 6E7B57 | 110,123,87 |
Orange | E16B40 | 225,107,64 |
Orange Circuit | E0A74F | 224,167,79 |
Orchid | 9661B0 | 150,97,176 |
Outer Space | 484C65 | 72,76,101 |
Pale Rose | BBB1BD | 187,177,189 |
Palm Leaf | D3E674 | 211,230,116 |
Peach | E7C9A6 | 231,201,166 |
Pine Green | 4A8369 | 74,131,105 |
Pink | DB99C6 | 219,153,198 |
Pink Flamingo | FC74FD | 252,116,253 |
Plum | 484266 | 72,66,102 |
Purple Heart | 6966D1 | 105,102,209 |
Purple Mountains' Majesty | 6760BC | 103,96,188 |
Raspberry | 904A6A | 144,74,106 |
Razzle Dazzle Rose | EE34D2 | 238,52,210 |
Red | CE465D | 206,70,93 |
Red Orange | D95555 | 217,85,85 |
Red Violet | A44F99 | 164,79,153 |
Royal Purple | 7958B5 | 121,88,181 |
Ruby Red | C3406B | 195,64,107 |
Salmon | DF99A3 | 223,153,163 |
Sand | DBC8AE | 219,200,174 |
Shamrock | 72C984 | 114,201,132 |
Silver | AAAEB2 | 170,174,178 |
Sizzling Sunset | FFDB00 | 255,219,0 |
Sky Blue | 64B1F2 | 100,177,242 |
Slate | 6B7895 | 107,120,149 |
Spring Frost | 87FF2A | 135,255,42 |
Tan | B78B6F | 183,139,111 |
Taupe | A89789 | 168,151,137 |
Teal | 477B73 | 71,123,115 |
Tickle Me Pink | DA84B1 | 218,132,177 |
Timberwolf | BDBBB6 | 189,187,182 |
Tropical Rainforest | 539377 | 83,147,119 |
True Blue | 467CDC | 70,124,220 |
Turquoise | 6DC1E5 | 109,193,229 |
Unmellow Yellow | FCF89B | 252,248,155 |
Violet | 605CA6 | 96,92,166 |
Warm Gray | 87807E | 135,128,126 |
White | FFFFFF | 255,255,255 |
Wild Blue Wonder | B9CCD6 | 185,204,214 |
Winter Sky | FF007C | 255,0,124 |
Yellow | FDF453 | 253,244,83 |
Yellow Green | 87BE55 | 135,190,85 |
Yellow Orange | D9753F | 217,117,63 |
Mahogany | 9E5568 | 158,85,104 |
I made a separate picture for 72 color chart because the color swatches were so different.

Bark | 736147 | 115,97,71 |
Brick Red | 8F3635 | 143,54,53 |
Bright Green | 55A47A | 85,164,122 |
Black | 383536 | 56,53,54 |
Blue | 0057C5 | 0,87,197 |
Blue Grey | 72859A | 114,133,154 |
Blue Grass | 448FAE | 68,143,174 |
Brown | 6F3B34 | 111,59,52 |
Brown Ochre | 826343 | 130,99,67 |
Burnt Ochre | AF882C | 175,136,44 |
Burgundy | A63F7D | 166,63,125 |
Burnt Sienna | A67854 | 166,120,84 |
Carmine | AD1057 | 173,16,87 |
Cerulean | 696DC6 | 54,157,198 |
Charcoal Grey | 484B4E | 72,75,78 |
Cobalt Blue | 3D65D5 | 61,101,213 |
Coral Red | C84743 | 200,71,67 |
Cream | EDD5AA | 234,213,170 |
Crimson | C2344B | 194,52,75 |
Dark Brown | 615756 | 97,87,86 |
Dark Chocolate | 584D45 | 88,77,69 |
Dark Green | 4DA988 | 77,169,136 |
Deep Blue | 386690 | 56,102,144 |
Denim Blue | 397EB8 | 57,126,184 |
Forest Green | 2E7561 | 46,117,97 |
Fuchsia | CC77D4 | 204,119,212 |
Gold | A69977 | 166,153,119 |
Golden Yellow | EBD000 | 235,208,0 |
Grass Green | 74B036 | 116,176,54 |
Green | 5F994E | 95,153,78 |
Hot Pink | C22AA3 | 194,42,163 |
Jade | 69CCB2 | 105,204,178 |
Lavender | 9784E5 | 151,132,229 |
Lemon Yellow | FAF649 | 250,246,73 |
Light Blue | 2795E1 | 39,149,225 |
Light Grey | BBB6B4 | 187,182,180 |
Light Ochre | E4BD4B | 228,189,75 |
Light Orange | DC8F2B | 220,143,43 |
Light Peach | EBDCC9 | 235,220,201 |
Lilac | 7971E4 | 121,113,228 |
Lime Green | B4D017 | 180,208,23 |
Moss Green | 637448 | 99,116,72 |
Mint | 61BC6E | 97,188,110 |
Ochre | C0933B | 192,147,59 |
Olive Green | 6D753F | 109,117,63 |
Orange | D8702B | 216,112,43 |
Peach | E3C8A5 | 227,200,165 |
Pink | D8A5C0 | 216,165,192 |
Plum | 943094 | 148,48,148 |
Purple | 6148B8 | 97,72,184 |
Red | CA5354 | 215,91,96 |
Red Brown | 854C50 | 133,76,80 |
Red Violet | 846295 | 132,98,149 |
Rose | B0658F | 176,101,143 |
Salmon | D88484 | 216,132,132 |
Sand | ECE3B0 | 236,227,176 |
Scarlet | C23C29 | 194,60,41 |
Silver | AAAEB2 | 170,174,178 |
Silver Grey | ACACAC | 172,172,172 |
Slate Grey | 544D58 | 84,77,88 |
Sky Blue | 98D2E8 | 152,210,232 |
Spring Bud | D2C722 | 210,199,34 |
Teal | 5F8C7A | 95,140,122 |
Turquoise | 6ED6D1 | 110,214,209 |
Ultramarine | 4157CE | 65,87,206 |
Vermillion | C7572C | 199,87,44 |
Violet | 7A50C7 | 122,80,199 |
Warm Gray | 85807C | 133,128,124 |
White | FFFFFF | 255,255,255 |
Wine | 8D4D85 | 141,77,133 |
Yellow | F6E720 | 246,231,32 |
Yellow Green | B4D348 | 180,211,72 |

Thankyou heaps for the time you spent putting up all the different colours, i found it extremely helpful and loved looking through them all finding more than what i thought they have, love using crayola pencils and now to purchasing all the different shades.
ReplyDeleteI just bought the 100 different colors box at Walmart. Where can I find a blank swatch chart with the color names that I can color as a reference?
Ruth Cottrell
remove Robin's Egg Blue it's not in the Colored Pencils
ReplyDeleteactually there is in the 64 ct
DeleteIt is in the 64 pack, but that pack is really odd and unique. The colored pencils are smaller, it doesn't include most of the colors from the 50 pack, and it added Crayola crayon colors, such as Robin's Egg Blue, Dandelion (RIP), Carnation Pink, and Macaroni and Cheese, for some odd reason.
DeleteMost of the new colors from that pack didn't even make it to the other big packs. But I think they are adding them back, slowly but surely. We got Screamin' Green, Periwinkle, Pacific Blue, and Lavender in the new 120 and 150 packs recently, which before were only in the 64 pack.
Maybe one day we'll get all of the colors from the 64 pack, who knows.
Update the list with the 120 pencil set please.
ReplyDeleteHi, the 20 additional colors are :
ReplyDeleteBlue Bell, Lobster Red, Dark Mauve, Melon, Outrageous Orange, Forest Green, Asparagus,
Sea Green, Manatee, Screamin Green, Bluetiful, Dark Blue, Midnight Blue, Periwinkle,
Ultra Violet, Parrot Pink, Burnt Sienna, Sun Yellow, Atomic Tangerine.
But then Crayola removed Antique Brass, Turquoise, Burnt Sienna, Black, Brown, Light Brown, Jade Green and Unmellow Yellow - They added Cool Mint, Crayellow, Powder Blue, Oatmeal, Eggplant and Lavender to the 150 Set plus the 32 colors from Colors of the World those were Deepest Almond, Extra Deep Golden, Extra Deep Rose, Extra Deep Almond, Very Deep Almond, Deep Golden, Medium Deep Golden, Deep Almond, Very Deep Rose, Deep Rose, Medium Deep Almond, Medium Golden, Medium almond, Medium Deep Rose, Light Medium Almond, Light Medium Rose, Light Almond, Light Rose, Light Medium Golden, Very Light Almond, Light Golden, Very Light Rose, Very Light Golden, Extra Light Almond, Black Hair, Brown Hair, Blonde Hair, Red hair, Brown Hair, Hazel Eyes, Green Eyes and Blue Eyes.
DeleteYes, I believe the 150 pack includes ALL of the Crayola colored pencils colors, including the Colors of the World pack. The missing, or "removed" 8 I believed are renamed, rebranded, or combined as: Black Hair (Black), Brown Hair (Brown), Blonde Hair (Unmellow Yellow), Red Hair (Burnt Sienna), Brown Eyes (Antique Brass), Hazel Eyes (Light Brown), Green Eyes (Jade Green), and Blue Eyes (Turquoise).
DeleteSo yeah, all the colors from the 120 pack, plus the new 6 and all 24 Colors of the World (not including the colored eyes and hair since those are the same or combined with 8 other existing colors, I believe) make up the new 150!
Also, OP is missing "Pacific Blue" from the 120 pack. Hope one day we can get 200 colors!
There are 120 colours now
ReplyDeletewhere's the downloadable chart i was prommised once i signed up????????
ReplyDeleteUmm. Yeah. This site is informative and I will use it, but you said that if we did this, we would actually get a free colour chart. The chart shown in Pinterest was actually the Prismacolors 150 and it looked to be ordered in an interesting way and it's good business practice to be true to your word if you say that you're going to do something. And equally, it's bad business practice to lure/want people to look at your website by saying you'll provide them with something that you don't provide.
DeleteI only just subscribed now - 3 October 2020 and I've not automatically been sent the free colour chart yet, and you don't end up sending it/holding up your end of the agreement, it's very annoying for people because they feel deceived and - and I can only speak for myself - but I would find it so annoying that I would take the time to unsubscribe to you.
What is your email? Email and I will check out what is happening. You should receive a blank color swatch chart. If you are looking for a filled in one I will be sending that out soon to my subscribers. Thanks!
DeleteCan the colors from the 120 set 64 set and the colors of the world set
DeleteWhy is the hex codes different for the colored pencils than the crayons of the same color name? How were these calculated and/or where was this information sourced from?
ReplyDeleteI'm not Jenny, so I can't speak for her, BUT if you compare colored pencils to crayons that have the same color name, they're almost never the same color on paper. I'm guessing Jenny colored a swatch on a plain sheet of paper for each color, scanned them in, and used the eyedropper tool in photoshop on the swatch to get the HEX and RGB values - I mean, that's how I'd do it.
DeleteBasically only the really super basic colors - yellow, black, red - appear to be the same color when you compare the colored pencil, crayon, and marker versions of the same name. Asparagus in one medium usually looks a little different from Asparagus of a different medium, for instance.
i have the rgb and hex coding for the colors are way off. ex. red is more like pastel red I have made my colored swatches on card stock and using that to line up the hex & rgb coding to get the right colors I do it manually no eyedropper in photoshop and we need to remember everyone's eyes are different along with every screen we use to look these up online projects these colors slightly different from the true color.
DeleteI have not received my color chart blank or otherwise. This is like the 5th time I've tried. Please find a solution to this problem.
ReplyDeleteDid you get it?
DeleteIs there a crayola pencil combination chart? I like to color with pencils and find ot hard to choose which color
ReplyDeleteI just did a blog post and video about color theory. I also posted some color combos for fall. I plan on doing it seasonally and maybe eventually creating one giant post with lots of color combos :)
DeleteWell, this and the other pages are very helpful! You've done quite a bit of work, all for free, and I'm sorry some of the comments come across as demanding. I can only thank you for taking a significant chunk of work out of the project I decided I needed to do - namely, making swatches for pencils and crayons and markers and determining their HEX value. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThey now make a 120 ct box of colored pencils (as of 2018 at least, going by the date on the box), so you will have a bit more to add here.