Complete List of Current Crayola Crayon Colors

Do you want to know all the current Crayola colors colors? Do you have a favorite color, but do not know what box it comes in? Here are all the colors and the box they 1st come in up to the 152 Count box.

In 2021 I held a Crayola crayon colors tournament! Robin's Egg Blue won!

Click here to see all the Crayola crayon boxes I have in my collection.

I have so have lists for the Colored Pencil colorsMarker colors and retired colors 

Also make sure to follow me on YouTube and Instagram!

This blog post contains affiliate links.

Crayola Colors: 1st Box Color Appears In, Hex Code, and RGB Code

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Click here to get swatch charts for all the Crayola Crayons or become a YouTube Member and it will be included with the 3rd tier.

I have also make a swatch based journal to write in. check it out on Amazon.

Here are the 24 new Colors of the World released in 2020. They are currently in a 168 count box of crayons I will add soon. Only time will tell if they get included in a standard box of Crayola crayons for good. I think they should. I arranged them according to almond, golden and rose. I have no idea what the extra, light, very, medium, deep, deepest signify. They could signify tertiary and the secondary color spectrum. 
Crayon colors in Colors of the World
  • medium almond, medium deep rose, light medium almond, light medium rose, light almond, light rose, light medium golden, very light almond, light golden, very light rose, very light golden, extra light almond, deepest almond, extra deep golden, extra deep rose, extra deep almond, very deep almond, deep golden, medium deep golden, deep almond, very deep rose, deep rose, medium deep almond, medium golden

Here are all the crayon colors in all the different Crayola crayon box sizes. I started with the 8 count box. The colors in the next box size up are in all the higher count boxes. I specified what colors were added to each box. That way it is easy to see what box needs to be purchased to get a certain color.
Crayon colors in 8 count Crayola Box
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
The Crayon colors in 16 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • (ONLY IN 16 BOX AND HIGHER) carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, yellow green, yellow orange, white
The Crayon colors in 24 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • (ONLY IN 24 BOX AND HIGHER) apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
The Crayon colors in 32 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • (ONLY IN 32 BOX AND HIGHER) cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria 

The Crayon colors in 48 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria
  • (ONLY IN 48 BOX AND HIGHER) burnt sienna, cornflower, goldenrod, granny smith apple, lavender, macaroni and cheese, mahogany, mauvelous, olive green, purple mountains' majesty, raw sienna, salmon, sea green, sepia, spring green, tumbleweed

The Crayon colors in 64 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria
  • burnt sienna, cornflower, goldenrod, granny smith apple, lavender, macaroni and cheese, mahogany, mauvelous, olive green, purple mountains' majesty, raw sienna, salmon, sea green, sepia, spring green, tumbleweed
  • (ONLY IN 64 BOX AND HIGHER) asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, gold, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry
The Crayon colors in 96 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria
  • burnt sienna, cornflower, goldenrod, granny smith apple, lavender, macaroni and cheese, mahogany, mauvelous, olive green, purple mountains' majesty, raw sienna, salmon, sea green, sepia, spring green, tumbleweed
  • asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, gold, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry
  • (ONLY IN 96 BOX AND HIGHER) atomic tangerine, cerise, copper, denim, electric lime, fuchsia, hot magenta, inchworm, jazzberry jam, jungle green, laser lemon, mango tango, maroon, midnight blue, navy blue, neon carrot, outrageous orange, pine green, purple pizzazz, radical red, razzle dazzle rose, razzmatazz, royal purple, screamin' green, shamrock, shocking pink, sunglow, tropical rain forest, unmellow yellow, vivid tangerine, wild watermelon, wild blue yonder 

The Crayon colors in 120 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria
  • burnt sienna, cornflower, goldenrod, granny smith apple, lavender, macaroni and cheese, mahogany, mauvelous, olive green, purple mountains' majesty, raw sienna, salmon, sea green, sepia, spring green, tumbleweed
  • asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, spring green, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry
  • atomic tangerine, cerise, copper, denim, electric lime, fuchsia, hot magenta, inchworm, jazzberry jam, jungle green, laser lemon, mango tango, maroon, midnight blue, navy blue, neon carrot, outrageous orange, pine green, purple pizzazz, radical red, razzle dazzle rose, razzmatazz, royal purple, screamin' green, shamrock, shocking pink, sunglow, tropical rain forest, unmellow yellow, vivid tangerine, wild watermelon, wild blue yonder 
  • (ONLY IN 120 BOX) almond, antique brass, aquamarine, banana mania, beaver, blue bell, blush, caribbean green, canary, cotton candy, desert sand, eggplant, fern, fuzzy wuzzy, manatee, mountain meadow, outerspace, piggy pink, pink flamingo, pink sherbet, purple heart, shadow, sunset orange, vivid violet

The Crayon colors in 152 count Crayola Box are:
  • blue, black, brown, green, orange, red, violet (purple), yellow
  • carnation pink, blue green, blue violet, red orange, red violet, white, yellow green, yellow orange
  • apricot, bluetiful, cerulean, gray, green yellow, indigo, scarlet, violet red
  • cadet blue, chestnut, melon, peach, sky blue, tan, timberwolf, wisteria
  • burnt sienna, cornflower, goldenrod, granny smith apple, lavender, macaroni and cheese, mahogany, mauvelous, olive green, purple mountains' majesty, raw sienna, salmon, sea green, sepia, spring green, tumbleweed
  • asparagus, bittersweet, brick red, burnt orange, forest green, magenta, periwinkle, orchid, pacific blue, plum, robin's egg blue, spring green, silver, tickle me pink, turquoise blue, wild strawberry
  • atomic tangerine, cerise, copper, denim, electric lime, fuchsia, hot magenta, inchworm, jazzberry jam, jungle green, laser lemon, mango tango, maroon, midnight blue, navy blue, neon carrot, outrageous orange, pine green, purple pizzazz, radical red, razzle dazzle rose, razzmatazz, royal purple, screamin' green, shamrock, shocking pink, sunglow, tropical rain forest, unmellow yellow, vivid tangerine, wild watermelon, wild blue yonder 
  • almond, antique brass, aquamarine, banana mania, beaver, blue bell, blush, caribbean green, canary, cotton candy, desert sand, eggplant, fern, fuzzy wuzzy, manatee, mountain meadow, outerspace, piggy pink, pink flamingo, pink sherbet, purple heart, shadow, sunset orange, vivid violet
  • Glitter crayons can be purchased separately and are included in this box. black glitter, blue glitter, fuchsia glitter, green glitter, light green glitter,  maroon glitter, orange glitter, pink glitter, purple glitter, red glitter, red orange glitter, sky blue glitter, turquoise blue glitter, white confetti glitter, white gold glitter, yellow glitter
  • Metallic crayons can be purchased separately and are included in this box. blast off bronze, shimmering blush, big dip o'ruby, bittersweet shimmer, alloy orange, metallic sunburst, gold fusion, sheen green, illuminating emerald, metallic seaweed, steel blue, b'dazzled blue, cyber grape, razzmic berry, sonic silver, deep space sparkle

Crayola Hex and RGB Color Values
Here are all the Hex and RGB Crayola color values listed alphabetically for the 120 count Crayola crayon box.
Almond EFDBC5 239,219,197
Antique Brass CD9575 205,149,117
Apricot FDD9B5 253,217,181
Aquamarine 78DBE2 120,219,226
Asparagus 87A96B 135,169,107
Atomic Tangerine FFA474 255,164,116
Banana Mania FAE7B5 250,231,181
Beaver 9F8170 159,129,112
Bittersweet FD7C6E 253,124,110
Black 232323 35,35,35
Blue 1F75FE 31,117,254
Blue Bell ADADD6 173,173,214
Blue Green 199EBD 25,158,189
Blue Violet 2E5090 115,102,189
Bluetiful 7366BD 46,80,144
Blush DE5D83 222,93,131
Brick Red CB4154 203,65,84
Brown B5674D 180,103,77
Burnt Orange FF7F49 255,127,73
Burnt Sienna EA7E5D 234,126,93
Cadet Blue B0B7C6 176,183,198
Canary FFFF99 255,255,159
Caribbean Green 1CD3A2 28,211,162
Carnation Pink FFAACC 255,170,204
Cerise FF43A4 221,68,146
Cerulean 1DACD6 29,172,214
Chestnut BC5D58 188,93,88
Copper DD9475 221,148,117
Cornflower 9ACEEB 154,206,235
Cotton Candy FFBCD9 255,188,217
Denim 2B6CC4 43,108,196
Desert Sand EFCDB8 239,205,184
Eggplant DD4492 110,81,96
Electric Lime 1DF914 29,249,20
Fern 71BC78 113,188,120
Forest Green 6DAE81 109,174,129
Fuchsia C364C5 195,100,197
Fuzzy Wuzzy CC6666 204,102,102
Gold E7C697 231,198,151
Goldenrod FCD975 255,217,117
Granny Smith Apple A8E4A0 168,228,160
Gray 95918C 149,145,140
Green 1CAC78 28,172,120
Green Yellow F0E891 240,232,145
Hot Magenta FF1DCE 255,29,206
Inchworm B2EC5D 178,236,93
Indigo 5D76CB 93,118,203
Jazzberry Jam CA3767 202,55,103
Jungle Green 3BB08F 59,176,143
Laser Lemon FDFC74 253,252,116
Lavender FCB4D5 252,180,213
Macaroni and Cheese FFBD88 255,189,136
Magenta FCB4D5 246,100,175
Mahogany CD4A4A 205,74,74
Manatee 979AAA 151,154,170
Mango Tango FF8243 255,130,67
Maroon C8385A 200,56,90
Mauvelous EF98AA 239,152,170
Melon FDBCB4 253,188,180
Midnight Blue 1A4876 26,72,118
Mountain Meadow 30BA8F 48,186,143
Navy Blue 1974D2 25,116,210
Neon Carrot FFA343 255,163,67
Olive Green BAB86C 186,184,108
Orange FF7538 255,117,56
Orchid C0448F 230,168,215
Outer Space 414AAC 65,74,76
Outrageous Orange FF6E4A 255,110,74
Pacific Blue 1CA9C9 28,169,201
Peach FFCFAB 255,207,171
Periwinkle C5D0E6 197,208,230
Piggy Pink FDD7E4 253,215,228
Pine Green 158078 21,128,120
Pink Flamingo FC74FD 252,116,253
Pink Sherbet F780A1 247,128,161
Plum 8E4584 142,69,133
Purple Heart 7442C8 116,66,200
Purple Mountains' Majesty 9D81BA 157,129,186
Purple Pizza FF1DCE 255,29,206
Radical Red FF496C 255,73,107
Raw Sienna D68A59 214,138,89
Razzle Dazzle Rose E6A8D7 255,72,208
Razzmatazz E3256B 227,37,107
Red EE204D 238,32,77
Red Orange FF5349 255,83,73
Red Violet c0448f 192,68,143
Robin's Egg Blue 1FCECB 31,206,203
Royal Purple 7851A9 120,81,169
Salmon FF9BAA 255,155,170
Scarlet FC2847 242,40,71
Screamin Green 76FF7A 118,255,122
Sea Green 9FE2BF 159,226,191
Sepia A5694F 165,105,79
Shadow 8A795D 138,121,93
Shamrock 45CEA2 69,206,162
Shocking Pink FB7EFD 251,126,253
Silver CDC5C2 205,197,194
Sky Blue 80DAEB 128,218,235
Spring Green ECEABE 236,234,190
Sunglow FFCF48 255,207,72
Sunset Orange FD5E53 253,94,83
Tan FAA76C 250,167,108
Tickle Me Pink FC89AC 252,137,172
Timberwolf DBD7D2 219,215,210
Tropical Rain Forest 17806D 23,128,109
Tumbleweed DEAA88 222,170,136
Turquoise Blue 77DDE7 119,221,231
Unmellow Yellow FDFC74 253,252,116
Violet (Purple) 926EAE 146,110,174
Violet Red F75394 247,83,148
Vivid Tangerine FFA089 255,160,137
Vivid Violet 8F509D 143,80,157
White EDEDED 237,237,237
Wild Blue Yonder A2ADD0 162,173,208
Wild Strawberry F664AF 255,67,164
Wild Watermelon FC6C85 252,108,133
Wisteria CDA4DE 205,164,222
Yellow FCE883 252,232,131
Yellow Green C5E384 197,227,132
Yellow Orange FFB653 255,182,83


  1. I love
    Crayola '-'

    1. Something that is the"Color Chart",but I love Them all pretty Colors Includes Pink.

    2. I dony see TARDIS blue.

    3. I remember a color called Raw Umber?

    4. i think it either got retired and replaced or discontinued

    5. Raw Umber retired in 91 along with Orange Yellow, Green Blue, Maize, Blue Gray, Orange Red, Violet Blue and Lemon Yellow.

    6. Omg whats raw umber :)

    7. It’s sorta like brown and tan, from guessing by the name.

    8. I got 64 crayons crayons and I buy at walmart

    9. I like red the best

  2. Thanks for the color chart! Now I don't have to guess!

  3. i dont like not enought gliter crayons

  4. Beautiful. Big thank you! #ColorFan

  5. thanks! great help while planning my wedding. my folks live 3+ hours away, this makes it easier to explain the colors for everything.

    1. So glad. Good luck with your wedding!

  6. I want a color called daisy cream

    1. At one time they had a Space Blue, that's the name I remembered, I've lost it at my grandpa's though, I do happen to recall the name & brand precisely; "Space Blue" & "Crayola."

    2. What about daisy red, daisy orange, daisy yellow, daisy green, daisy blue, daisy violet (purple) and daisy pink?

  7. Isn’t coral still an available crayon color?

    1. It isn't. It is as a marker and colored pencil I think.

    2. Really?I love coral,it's beautiful.!!

    3. Coral is the spanish name of Mango Tango.

    4. Coral alone has never been a Crayola crayon color. There has been Black Coral Pearl from the Pearl Brite set and Coral Purple from the Discovery Series "Ocean" set.

  8. Don't forget to add "Bluetiful". Thanks for the help!

    1. Thanks for the reminder :) I've been meaning to do that.

    2. Also,Don’t Forget to remove Dandelion+can you put the color into a rainbow
      U WELCOME!

  9. Don't forget to add "Bluetiful". Thanks for the help. #ColorChart

    1. thanks for Removing Dandelion
      its retired

    2. İ think dandelions new name is unmellow yellow

    3. Bluetiful reminds me of my eye color. "Thanks God" My eyes are simply"Bluetiful"

  10. Thanks for the great help this is like the only website that gives the box packs orders and specific colors on each box

  11. You forgot the 152 pack

  12. Color chart

  13. I have the 120 pack but don't have all of the colors listed here? Any idea why this might be? Ive had at least 2 different packs of them and don't have colors like fuzzy wuzzy brown or blue bell :(

    1. That is strange. There is a caveat on the back that said the colors may vary.

  14. I enjoy the shades!

  15. This is very helpful for teaching color theory and helping me decide which box my students should buy

  16. Wow it would be super cool if there were neon colors, or they brought every scented color and retired color into a super crayola box.

    1. It would also be cool if they added a color called transparent, but it would be pretty useless.

  17. Best crayon blog ever!
    Really helped me

  18. amazing list of colors!. your inclusion of the hex codes and rbg values has helped me a lot with my digital art, and i commend you for that.
    however, the code for the orichid color is E6A8D7, not C0448F as it says, since it already belongs to red violet.

  19. It isn't Robin egg blue it's Robins egg blue.
    There's an error

  20. May I ask how you got those RGB values? There are other sites (e.g. Wiki) that have different RGB values. E.g. Their Red is ED0A3F, yours is EE204D.
    And thanks for the summary, it's very very helpful.

    1. It can vary based on how hard the crayon is pushed.

  21. Colored with my Crayons!1/16/20, 7:12 AM

    Teach me all your crayons thank for your crayon like different Thank you

  22. Thanks! i needed this for a school project

  23. It's weird that the white crayon is EDEDED and not FFFFFF.

  24. It is wild blue yonder not wild blue wonder

  25. Why-is-there-a-bright-shade-of-mauve-known-as-'gly?'

  26. What are all the neon like colors

    1. laser lemon, razzle dazzle rose, hot magenta, sunglow, wild strawberry, sky blue, electric lime, screamin green.

  27. Is it possible to get a small (maybe an 8 pack) of just one color? 'Midnight Blue' has been an unfulfilled obsession since I was quite young. Since I am now 69 years old, I better get that item checked off of my unique bucket list while I am still able to play with it!

    1. you can order a custom box of crayons and get all the same color or buy 8 96 count boxes.

  28. On your 120 list, you have Spring Green twice. One is grouped with Burnt Sienna and the other is grouped with Asparagus. What color should that be? Is it Gold or Dandelion?

  29. How come Purple Pizzazz and Hot Magenta (also Laser Lemon and Unmellow Yellow, and maybe others I missed) have the same color formula? Or is that a mistake?

  30. I have a 200 count tub with 2 sets of 100,I am curious what the list looks like, it would probably be similar to the 96ct with 4 extra colors.

    1. Yes it would. I haven't bought it so I do not know.

  31. I have heard of Colorsof the World collections coming out this July. Could you release that early? I could really use thst when talking with my granddaughter about what is happening in the world.

    1. Here is my post about those.

  32. What happened to the color "dandelion" which is part of the 24 pcs. color?
    Noticing that it was replaced by color "bluetiful"

  33. I would like to get the hex version of all the crayola colors for a project I'm doing. I see it available but when I click on the link it asks me to subscribe. I subscribe, then follow the link back to the site from the email but the link still keeps asking me to subscribe. Any way I can get that hex file?

  34. Correction: the 96 count doesn't include the other 8 neon colors but instead Metallic FX's big dip o ruby, sheen green, steel blue, and cyber grape as well as the pink, green, blue, and yellow Gel FX crayons.

    1. It does have the other 8 neon colors as of 2022. It no longer has the Metallic and Gel colors. Your comment was correct for the last decade though.

  35. What is included in the 200 crayon set. Are there specialty colors?

  36. is there a set of crayons that include ALL of the specialty colors?

    1. Yes here it is.

  37. I got a 152 boxed set of crayons. When I opened the box, one color was missing and one color was broken. The clear "lid" was crinkled. What can be done about this. Why not include all off the colors in the 152 crayon set with the other specialty crayons like the confetti and pearlescent ones?

  38. These are some really cool colors but what about a scented crayon. or do those already exist

    1. maybe yes ; there is a 12 set silly scents markers already

  39. WHY THE **************** DID CRAYOLA RETIRE DANDELION????

    1. i think it was to introduce the color "Bluetiful"

  40. Thanks for the color chart, I noticed though that Orchid is spelt wrong

  41. Some of the colors have the wrong color code. Brown is #B4674D, canary is #FFFF9F, cerise is #DD4492, eggplant is #6E5160, goldenrod is #FFD975, magenta is #F664AF, orchid is #E6A8D7, Outer Space is #414A4C, Plum is #8E4585, Radical Red is #FF496B, Razzle Dazzle Rose is #FF48D0, Red Violet has the correct color code but the letters are lowercase, Scarlet is #F22847, Wild Strawberry is #FF43A4, extra deep almond is #66512A, very light rose is #F1E2E3.

  42. I have one of the art boxes.
    It has crayons, markers super tips and pip squeaks.

    Would you have a color list of what should be available in each category?

  43. I just picked up a 32 Colors of the World box. It has 8 additional colors - blue eyes, brown eyes, hazel eyes, green eyes, black hair, brown hair, blonde hair and red hair. Have you see this box? I got it at Walmart.

  44. Wow, Jenny, I love your website! I am very impressed with your love for and knowledge of the Crayola world. I remember Flesh in my first 64-crayon box, which I must have been given in the late 60s. I guess in Canada the older boxes were still on the shelves for a while. The colors gave me so many hours of pleasure as a child, and imprinted my psyche. I still color today--I have a 64-box permanently open on my kitchen counter! I learned from you about the color Dandelion retiring--I have it in two boxes, so I will be sure to treasure that shade even more!

    Do you know about the Campbell's Soup Andy Warhal edition of 18 crayons in a soup can? All of the colors are renamed for Andy's paintings, but it seems there might be some new shades like Space Fruit Peach.

    Thanks for this amazing site!

  45. Oh my gosh. This page is the best!!! Thanks so much for taking the time put this together. It really helped with my palette selection!


  47. therealeasterbunny@hotmail.com9/9/21, 4:46 PM

    This page is truly awesome. Always loved the colours and names.
    Especially with hex codes.
    How cool is that!
    Best page on the internet.

  48. Hey, thanks for the hex codes for Colors of the World. I long ago (around 2010, 2011) made a Color primitive class for a project I was working on and included all the official Crayola colors. Having this new set in my class is really useful. (You're missing a few colors in the extended set, but this list is pretty comprehensive, and I'm sure a great many people appreciate it.)

  49. are hot magenta and purple pizzazz suppose to have the same color codes?

  50. I don't see "Bluetiful" on the chart of 120. Am I just missing something?

  51. ah yes crayola bring such colors as fuzzy wuzzy, eggplant, and tickle me pink

  52. Canary is ffff99


  53. i went to my grandmas house and she has a 96 pack but it doesn't have the gels or glitters or anything like that but it has gold copper and silver but it has bluetiful and it does have 96 colors it has the built in shapner and everything i looked up colored that are only in the 96 and up and it had them also it only has 1 bluetifull so its not the extra 4 bluetiful pack. hope you can help

  54. I freaking love Crayola! Like, this is the best website for looking at weird and wonderful colors! I used Timberwolf for the wedding invitations in my cousin's wedding! And Razzle Dazzle Rose was the color we used for our bridesmaids! Like, it was so fun! Thanks Crayola for providing me the best gosh darn wedding in Massachusetts :) And Thanks Jenny for being such an angel!

  55. I hate Eggplant crayon, also its the same color of the Eggplant, so i love it 🙂

  56. all color are different. why remove colors?

    1. yeah why remove colors they are all beautiful

  57. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  58. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  59. Bluetiful vs dandelion

  60. why is there no spring green

  61. i like your crayons

  62. Really great with many colors. My favorite color is blue.

  63. Found a new set, Color Scents Smash-ups. 24 new color names. This brings the total number on unique color names to 1100. I have been updating Ed Welter's color list since he and I both retired from actively collecting crayons. The colors are:
    Apple Pie
    Banana Cream Pie
    Berry Smoothie
    Blueberry Cheesecake
    Chocolate Covered Popcorn
    Chocolate Covered Strawberry
    Cinnamon Churro
    Coconut Cluster
    Cotton Candy Grape
    Key Lime Pie
    Lemon Bar
    Mint & Lime Tea
    Mint Chocolate Chip
    Orange Dreamsicle
    Orange Gingerbread Cookie
    Peach Cobbler
    Plum Pudding
    Rainbow Donut
    Red Velvet Cake
    Root Beer Float
    Raspberry Macaron
    Strawberry Banana Milkshake
    Strawberry Shortcake
    Upside-down Cake
    I also noticed you have a link for my long gone blog site. It can be deleted.

    Mark Hastings.

  64. This is really helpful actually! But, sadly I can't seem to find dark brown, could you possibly add it! Thank you! :D

  65. The list under the section:
    "Crayola Hex and RGB Color Values
    Here are all the Hex and RGB Crayola color values listed alphabetically for the 120 count Crayola crayon box."
    says Purple Pizza instead of Purple Pizzazz.

    everywhere else on this page, it is written correctly though.

  66. Can you please do the big 40

  67. Either the hex code or the RGB values are incorrect for these colors: Orchid, Eggplant, Bluetiful, Razzle Dazzle Rose, Magenta, Outer Space, Cerise, Wild Strawberry, Scarlet, Plum, Radical Red. I ordered the color names by degree of error, with orchid the most incorrect through radical red and plum, which are only slightly incorrect.

  68. Thank you so much for making this! I'd been looking for the hex codes for the Crayola colors for a while before I came across your blog. Crayola has so many wonderful, rich hues. It's sad to see all the retired colors, especially the Gem Tones line; I remember getting a box of those when I was a kid, and I never realized (until today) that they had been retired and discontinued.

  69. I made a custom 208 pack of crayons
