Here I am in front of the color wall, because it is my favorite wall ever.
This kiosk was located at the entrance to the activities at the Crayola experience. It featured a video and a really cute map of all the Machine Adventures.

Here is the map with all the activities.
Here is the special goodie bag they made for Machine Adventures.
Here was the most gorgeous flower wall with Kubota written on it in flowers.
Close by was a tractor set with a place to take a picture with Tip in the background.
There was a place to design a Kubota Tractor. I liked it was on actual engineering paper. I am an engineer and used this paper all the time as a an engineer designing not tractors but semi trucks.
Another activity featured a giant sand pit the kids could drive tractors through. There was a scene projected on the sand for the kids to pretend they were excavating the land for a pond.
The insert yourself in a Crayola coloring page was changed into a "Spirit Machine" where kids could make a Kubota employee badge and color it in.
One of the coolest additions was Crayola made custom crayon wrappers with custom names on the crayons Kubota themed. This is the only place to get those wrappers. The colors included; Golden Hay Bale, Orange Tractor, Denim Overalls, Green Grass, Fuchsia Flowers, and Scarlet Seedling. One of the machines was down, but I was still able to get a custom wrapper. I need to find a fuchsia crayon and put it on it.
This is the station where the wrappers were put on. The label was placed sticky side up on the flat part of the device.
Then the crayon was placed above it. The lever was pulled down and as long as the label and crayon were placed correctly the label was on the crayon like a regular crayon. My kids got excited for one and it got a little twisted.
Here are my finished crayons. It has a custom line, the name of the crayon and the date the crayon was made.
Here was another photo opp of a baseball field.
There was even custom merch available for the special event. I got the t-shirt for my daughter and the coloring book.
There was signage added throughout the experience with the crayons in hard hats and themed posters.
How cute are they?
The Campsite photo opp was one of my favorites. The colors scheme was really cute and there was a tractor and a little campsite kids could sit at to take pictures at.
Here are some pictures of me at both locations.
One of my favorite activity centers was the Museum Scoop. The kids got to sit on the tractors and scoop out marker lids. I thought that was super inovative.
This was the biggest scooper.
The kids got to design their own custom crayon box and then make a city of them later.
Here is where kids could put their custom box, personally I would take mine home.
They even had a little video in the area showing what the Kubota machines do.
Another activity the kids could do was made a 3-D car by cutting out the tractor and gluing it together. We did not have time because we had to jet to an Imagine Dragons concert that night, but we got some to bring home to make.
Another one of my favorite exhibits was the "How Do You Size Up to These Kubota Tires?”. This was a super hands on way for the kids to see the size of the tires in relation to themselves.

Overall this experience was super fun for the kids and super hands on. Kubota and Crayola Experience did a great job putting it together!
Awesome I love this Article I am so glad you and your Family had lots of fun At Crayola Experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Crayola Experience Too Have an awesome day !!!!!!!!!!!!!