8 Count Crayola Tip Collection Halloween Boxes: What's Inside the Boxes

This is the Tip Collection line of boxes sold exclusively at Walmart. Who is Tip you ask? On the back the 2014 64 count box it says Tip is "more of a spirit than a person. In fact he so loved the creative energy in kids that he decided to take the form of a Crayola Crayon way back in 1903." That is the same year the first Crayola crayon was made!

They came out with these a couple years in 2013 after the Target "Pick Your Pack" boxes debuted.  I have to admit I like collecting these ones slightly better. I like that these boxes are colored coordinated and they feature Tip on the box. I used to be obsessed with organizing my crayons by color.

This is the special Halloween edition of the Tip Collection.

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Crayola Super Tips Washable Markers: What's Inside the Box

The Crayola Super Tips Washable Markers can be used to draw thin or thick lines.  I love them.  I use them for a variety of reasons.  These boxes are special because they contain scented markers. Only the scented markers in the 50 count box are named.  That drives me a little crazy when they are not named as I have said often.  I love color names, why not include them?  It is also interesting to note that the scented names in this package are some of the same scents they have used in some of the Doodle Scents, a box I have not been able to find in the United States yet, just 16 of the 18 colors.

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20 Count Crayola Super Tips Markers: What's Inside the Box

I got these 20 count Crayola Super Tips markers as a gift.  The fine tip markers are my favorite markers, and Super Tips did not disappoint.  Sadly I let people use these markers and they got lost.  This is not the first box of Super Tips, I know they came out around the late 90's or early 2000's.  An one thing that super bugs me that I say every time is these markers are not labeled with color names.  That drives me crazy.

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Crayola Fabric Markers: What's Inside the Box

The Crayola Fabric markers come in a 10 count box of classic colors and 8 count box of bright colors. I have seen the Crayola Fabric markers before and wondered if they were easy to use and if they really worked.  I got my chance when I went to the Crayola Experience in Easton, Pennsylvania, the home of Crayola.  They had an activity center set up to color shirts.  We did not have time to color them that day, but bought the markers and the shirts and brought them home.  A little while later, oh a year, we finally got around to coloring them.  We had so much fun.  I messed it up a little, but you can not really tell.  I did have to press hard to get the colors to come out, but the finished product had vibrant colors in it.  Once the fabric is colored on, it is ironed and then washed and dried in the dryer.  This is the important part, it helps lock the color in.  I washed the shirts separately for a while so they would not bleed on other colors.  The color has faded a little, but not much.  Sadly though my daughter is growing out of our shirts.  We have had some really fun days wearing these shirts together.

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The Bright Fabric markers have color names and the Classic Color Fabric Markers do not, this drives me crazy when they are not named.  The Bright colors are named after fabric names.  I think it is way cute, they deviated from the dictionary names.

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10 Count Crayola Mighty Marks Markers: What's Inside the Box

I found out about the Crayola Mighty Marks markers on Instagram.  Instagram is a very useful tool to find out about new products out on the market.  There are people that will find them and then post them for the rest of the world to see.  I have gotten a couple good "dollar" store finds this last summer that way.  I was able to collect the entire series of Pip-Squeaks in Disguise for a fraction of the cost, one dollar a piece instead of four dollars a piece.  I found these markers on someone's feed.  And it turns out they got them at Dollar General.  I have never been inside a Dollar General before.  It was so fun to venture in.  They had a lot of Crayola products there that had been miniaturized to accommodate the lower cost. I stopped myself from buying everything. These markers were not a dollar but two dollars a piece. They a fine tip marker, way cute and small, a lot smaller than I thought.  They are barely big enough to fit the Crayola logo on the marker. The really cool thing about them is they have all the specialty sets, neon, gel and scented. 

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I love everything about these markers, the boxes are really cute and feature the color names, something I love.  The neon box only contains 8 unique color names because the blue and the pink are repeats.  How hard would it have been to throw in two more colors?

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8 Count Crayola Metallic Markers: What's Inside the Box

I have been wanting to buy the Crayola Metallic Markers for a while now, but had not because they were so expensive.  Some places they were up to 10 dollars.  I finally found the markers available at Target for 2.99 and could not refuse.  I love these markers so much, they are so much fun to draw with.  They are super shiny and can be used on black or white paper, something that can not always be done with Metallic type markers. In the patent it says "On black surfaces it will reveal itself as being opaque and metallic" and "on white surfaces, a tint of color is observed with flecks of silver". 

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I was reading up on the patent and interesting enough Crayola does not own the patent, it was patented by Dri Mark Products, Inc. in 2003.  My guess is Crayola acquired this patent someone in this decade and is now making markers with it.  The binder agent for the marker is water based so it is not permanent.  The wick tip provides a way for the "flow of large particle size pigments" so the markers can be seen on black paper and a way for the ink to be transported so the "metallic particles" will not settle out or have to be stored a certain way. For example the Fabric markers have to be store on their side.  The patent references aluminum particles embedded to make the metallic effect. Not many Crayola products contain metal, the Silver Swirls did.  The packaging does say it is non toxic, so the aluminum particles are not dangerous.  An interesting note is in the patent it says the marker can be used to draw on human skin and will give the effect of a "temporary tattoo".  I am so going to try this.

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Coloring Book Crayons and Markers: What's Inside the Box

Crayola came out with the Coloring book markers and Crayons in the late 1990's. The markers said they were a low bleed option for coloring books. Markers do often bleed through to the other page. I do not know if these were made especially for coloring books or a feature of the regular marker, but marketed as low bleed because they were low bleed anyway. The crayons appear to just be a normal crayon formulation, but specialty colors that look good in coloring books.

Crayola later expanded the Coloring Book line to Pip-Squeak markers in the 2000's. They are a specialty set of markers picked out to color with in coloring books.  Four of the colors are not included in the standard 16 Pip-Squeak set, tiny toad brown, blue jay, butterfly orange, and desert flower.

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All the pictures besides the Pip Squeak markers were provided by Stacy Hodges.

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8 Count My First Crayola Easy-Grip Colored Pencils: What's Inside the Box

I found the My First Crayola Easy-Grip colored pencils at the store and loved them.  I have a couple other "my first" Crayola items and love them too. I especially love the egg looking crayons.  I do not have any yet, but they are on my wish list of things to get.  These pencils are triangular shaped and have pictures of animals on them.  They are similar to the Write Start colored pencils, but those are not triangular, they employ the use of hexagons for their easy grip shape.

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16 Count Crayola Pip-Squeaks Markers: What's Inside the Box

Crayola Pip-Squeaks markers came out in 2004, this is the very first box.  The Pip-Squeaks feature unique trademarked names.  They took a turn from the regular coloring of Crayola products and are more fun, with colors such as toy poodle black, and little boy blue.  They are meant for children and are very cute.  Since then there have been many spin-offs of this marker, Pip-Squeaks in Disguise, Pip-Scents, and Minions themed Pip-Squeaks. Crayola even released Pip-Squeaks colored pencils. They are a hit at this house, they are my son's favorite coloring tool.

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The first box of Pip-Squeaks markers was a gift from my husband, the second that I have featured is a gift for my kids.  I was trying to declutter the house and got rid of the packaging.  I do not know what  year the second box is.  But they can be easily told apart.  The earlier Pip-Squeaks marker was predominately red, black and green.  The later version changed to the text color to the color of the marker and added a picture of Pip to each marker and a TM after each color name.  The packaging of these two were the same.  There is a picture below of the packaging.  It is plastic.  This year Crayola changed the packaging to a cardboard box.

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8 Count Crayola Window Markers: What's Inside the Box

The Crayola Window Markers came out in 2001 and are still being manufactured. Originally they were packaged in a zippered bag. The marker is applied to the window and the color is very vibrant. To remove the ink I use window cleaner.

My husband bought me the Crayola Window Markers a few years back.  I loved them and used them often.  Eventually however after many years of use they no longer work.  I threw away the ones that did not work, and kept a few that did.  Now these ones do not work.  I am going to keep them, just for the collection.  I love them a lot.  The new ones do not seem to write as dark and I prefer the windows crystal effects markers or windows crayons. Even though the colors names are the same.  I wonder if they are the same ones and I am just remembering how they draw differently. It is interesting that they are marked as washable, but have a stain advisement on the back.

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Crayola Super Tips Markers (2015): What's Inside the Box, 20 and 50 Count

In 2015 Crayola released a 20 and 50 Count set of Crayola Super Tips featuring a Color Alive Page in the package. I absolutely love Crayola Super Tips markers.  I love how skinny they are, how they glide on the page and all the colors that are offered.  I had two sets of the sizes and bought these when they came out this year with the new Color Alive page. Originally they had scents in them but since Crayola has expanded its sent lines with the Silly Scents and Doodle Scents and Powerlines they do not include them in here anymore.

This year they also came out with a box that did not feature a color alive page.

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The older sets were in plastic cases and had scented markers, these are in paper boxes and do not have scented markers.

The packaging is a cardboard box, it used to be plastic. I preferred the cardboard box except for I do not like the little tab on the side I wish it was a tuck box design. There is a wide assortment of colors
in this box.

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