I have been wanting to buy the Crayola Metallic Markers for a while now, but had not because they were so expensive. Some places they were up to 10 dollars. I finally found the markers available at Target for 2.99 and could not refuse. I love these markers so much, they are so much fun to draw with. They are super shiny and can be used on black or white paper, something that can not always be done with Metallic type markers. In the patent it says "On black surfaces it will reveal itself as being opaque and metallic" and "on white surfaces, a tint of color is observed with flecks of silver".
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I was reading up on the patent and interesting enough Crayola does not own the patent, it was patented by Dri Mark Products, Inc. in 2003. My guess is Crayola acquired this patent someone in this decade and is now making markers with it. The binder agent for the marker is water based so it is not permanent. The wick tip provides a way for the "flow of large particle size pigments" so the markers can be seen on black paper and a way for the ink to be transported so the "metallic particles" will not settle out or have to be stored a certain way. For example the Fabric markers have to be store on their side. The patent references aluminum particles embedded to make the metallic effect. Not many Crayola products contain metal, the Silver Swirls did. The packaging does say it is non toxic, so the aluminum particles are not dangerous. An interesting note is in the patent it says the marker can be used to draw on human skin and will give the effect of a "temporary tattoo". I am so going to try this.
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